Tuesday, June 9, 2015


*BRIEF ITINERARYDay 1: Yangon Sightseeing Tours to Mawlamein
Day 2: Mawlamein Adventure Travel Package Tours ( B/-/- )
Day 3: Mawlamein Package Tours to Hpa An – Sightseeing Tours ( B/-/- )
Day 4: Hpa An Package Tours – Yangon – Departure ( B/-/- )

Day 1 – Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures: Yangon Sightseeing Tours to Mawlamein

Myanmar Sightseeing Tours: Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures
Shwedagon Pagoda
After an early breakfast, your day will begin with a scenic journey to Mawlamein by car (7 hour drive). Along the way you will stop in the town of Bago to visit the Shwethalyaung Buddha. This reclining Buddha is 55 m long and 16 m high, making it one of the largest in the world. Then, resume your journey stopping in Kyaikhto for lunch at a local restaurant (own account). Continue after lunch to Mawlamein. The drive takes you through the country side passing many typical rural Burmese villages. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel for check in. Mawlamein is the capital of the Mon State and although it is Myanmar’s third largest city it retains a quiet charm of a sleepy fishing village. The town is located on the Gulf of Mottama at the mouth of the Thanlwin River. There is time this afternoon to stroll along Strand Road where colonial buildings overlook the river.
Overnight in Mawlamein.

Day 2 – Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures: Mawlamein  Adventure Travel Package Tours ( B/-/- )

Start today with a morning visit to the bustling colorful Zeigyi (central market). Wander through the dozens of stalls where local vendors come to buy and sell their wares. You will continue your sightseeing with a visit to the Kyaik Thanlan Pagoda, the city’s landmark. Built in 875 AD, it enshrines the Tripitaka Buddhist manuscripts as well as a hair relic from the Buddha. The 40 meter high stupa is located on a hill surrounded by 34 smaller Zediyan pagodas. From up here one can enjoy panoramic views over the city and harbor. It is also thought to be the site where Rudyard Kipling wrote his famous poem, Mandalay. Next you will visit the ancient Queen Sein Don Monastery (locally known as Yada Bonmyint Monastery). This Monastery is more as 100 years old and is famous for its intricate woodcarving and Burmese crafts inside. It was founded by Queen Sein Tone who had to flee Mandalay at the time that Myanmar’s last monarch, King Thibaw Min, took power. She became home sick and asked the local carpenters to build a monastery in the replica style of her former palace. The last stop this morning is at Holy Family Cathedral. Built during the colonial era, this church has a beautiful interior rarely seen by tourists. Nearby is Judson’s Church which was built in 1827 by Dr. A. Judson who translated the Bible into Burmese. Enjoy the lunch at a local restaurant (Own Account) After lunch, take a short boat trip across the Thanlwin River to Gaungse Kyun (Shampoo Island). The island got its nickname during the Hantharwaddy period when Kings would come over to the Island to have their hair washed with the pure water from the Islands Spring. You’ll walk around the island, visiting the Buddhist meditation center and Sandashwin Pagoda. As today draws to a close, proceed to the View Point (near U Zina Pagoda) to enjoy the beautiful sunset.
Overnight in Mawlamein.

Day 3 – Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures: Mawlamein Package Tours to Hpa An – Sightseeing Tours ( B/-/- )

Myanmar Sightseeing Tours: Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures
Buddha in Hpa An
After an early breakfast, you will start your scenic drive to Hpa An. On the way you will have a chance to visit several fascinating sites. Just outside of the city stop at Kha Yon Cave, a beautiful natural cave where locals do come to worship and say their prayers to ask for good health and prosperity. In addition to viewing the many Buddha statues you will also see many beautiful stalagmites and stalactites which have formed natural over the centuries. Your next stop will be Kadoe Kawnat village where you will visit Kawnat Monastery. This magnificent monastery with beautiful woodcarving was built a century ago by a villager named U Nar Ouat, who was famed in those days for his wealth and generosity. It was because of his donation that this religious site was build nearby his village. Upon arrival at Hpa An, you will first visit Kyauk Kalat, a pagoda which is built on layers of natural rock formations. Flanked by a Lake, the scenery guarantees a great photo opportunity. Proceed to the foot hill of the 722 m high Mt. Zwe Kabin. This sacred mountain has several thousand identical Buddha statues lined up at its base. Continue with a short walk to the waterfalls where you will enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. (Own account) After lunch, continue your sightseeing with a visit to Kaw Gun Cave also known as the ‘Cave of the Ten Thousand Buddhas’. As you walk through the cave, you will see more than 2000 votive tablets of Lord Buddha and Mon inscriptions. One inscription is so ancient that, to this day, no scholar has been able to interpret it. You’ll then check-in to your Hpa An hotel and take a stroll through this charming town.
Overnight in Hpa An.

Day 4 – Myanmar Tour Of Hidden Treasures: Hpa An Package Tours – Yangon – Departure ( B/-/- )

Transfer to the local jetty this morning for a boat ride on the Than Lwin River. You will cruise along the river for around 1 hour to the Dhamma Vizaya Pagoda and a hill locally known as Linnoh Gu (Bat Cave). Nowadays this cave has been sealed off by a door to avoid unwanted visitors who come to collect the very fertile compost produced by the large bat community. Stop to visit both the pagoda and the area around the cave, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and wonderful views. Return to the jetty and continue by road back to Yangon. Stop en route for lunch at a local restaurant near Zoke Thoke Village (own account)
***** End of services *****
•3 nights accommodation in ½ double/twin at mentioned hotel with ABF only
•Meals as indicated in the program (B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner)
•All transfers and excursions with private air-conditioned vehicles
•Entrance fee for the visit mentioned in the program
•English-speaking guide throughout
•Local boat fare for visiting Mawlamein Shampoo Island and Pha An
  • •International ticket to/from Yangon
    •Meals others than mentioned
    •Visa arrangements for Myanmar
    •Entrance fees for visits not mentioned in the program
    •Tips & Porter fees at hotels
    •Drinks and personal expenses
    •Any other items not mentioned in the included services
  • Please visit the site for the tour in details:
  • If you need further details on our updated quotes for such a tour, kindly email us at vietlongtravel@gmail.com
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